Provide a theoretical ethos to support your view


- Use a topic which is post 9/11 and post cold war ( do something in 90s topic for post-cold war)

- Make sure to follow the system of analysis which means that you have to understand systemic and sub- systemic paradigms.

- If you don't follow this system i will get F and I will report for refund because the professor only care about levels of analysis.

- Select any issue from international affairs that involves a difference of opinion.

- Use levels-of-analysis to explain which side should prevail.

Or use them to explain why an event happened the way that it did.

Provide a theoretical ethos to support your view.

For conclusion you can say for example "

Dropping the bomb was bad or good idea for conclusion " etc..

The response should include a reference list. Double-space, using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Provide a theoretical ethos to support your view
Reference No:- TGS02116496

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