
Provide a summary of your reflective action learning

Discussion- Exploring Outcome-Based Evaluation Options

Using the two peer-reviewed articles on ethnographic and OBE approaches you identified in the this unit's study, provide a summary of your reflective action learning assessment on the validity and accuracy of the evaluation methods used in terms of the progress, results-based accountability, and performance reporting.

Be sure to also consider some of the ups and downs, uncertainties, challenges, efficiency, or effectiveness issues with service, program or project use patterns, ethnographic implications, as well as the intended OBE methods to assess your public needs assessment and planning project's progress.

Finally, because the scientific merit action research template (SMART) form is the research plan that serves as the skeleton for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program, perhaps, it may be good to get introduced to it.

Being introduced early to the SMART form will not only help you better acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, but also you could perhaps start reflecting on the relevant questions noted on some of the sections as lenses to help shape your public needs assessment and planning project.

For this, also provide a summary of how the action learning activities and knowledge base on public needs assessment and planning, can be helpful when it is time to complete sections of the SMART form for your dissertation proposal in the DPA program.

For this discussion, you are not required to complete the SMART form itself now. However, to acclimate yourself on what will be expected of you at the dissertation phase, just indicate how knowledge developed in this course can be translated to help address specific sections of the form.

Attachment:- Ethnographic and OBE approaches.rar

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Operation Management: Provide a summary of your reflective action learning
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