
Provide a summary of the article - provide a critical

Write the given paper assignment:-

The topic is : "Are Doctors Diagnosing Too Many Kids with ADHD?"

Research Option

Write a one-Page, typed reaction paper which includes a summarization and an evaluation of the article and implications.

Complete the following:-
• Summary
Provide a summary of the article. This should be short and concise - no longer than a few sentences.

• Critical Analysis
Provide a critical analysis of the conclusions drawn by the authors. This should be well thought out and thorough. Be concise and to the point with your critique.

Consider questons such as the following:
Were there any noticeable flaws in their conclusions? Were the conclusions drawn too narrow or too general? Did the conclusions coinside with what you learned in class? Why or why not?

• Personal Reaction
Provide you personal reaction to the study.
Some questions to ponder:- Did it interest you? Why or why not. Also provide some feedback on what you took away from the asstgnment.
For example. was the assignment beneficial to your understanding of psychology as a science? What did you find most difficult?

• Format: 1 page double spaced. 1 inch margins (all 4 margins). and 10-12 Times New Roman font

Attachment:- Are Doctors Diagnosing too Many Kids with ADHD.rar

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Essay Writing: Provide a summary of the article - provide a critical
Reference No:- TGS02159268

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