
Provide a strategic benefit advantage to the company

Strategic Recommendations

Assignment  - Strategic Recommendations: For this assignment, you will provide at least two strategic recommendations for the company in Assignments 1, 2, and 3. You should be able to demonstrate how your previous research, analysis (and my feedback) led you to these recommendations and you should be able to demonstrate how they provide a strategic benefit/advantage to the company.

Strategic Recommendations: As stated above, strategic recommenations should be based on throughtful research and analysis, and should demonstrate critical and original thinking. Your recommendations need to tie back to your previous findings, and should solve a problem, take advantage of an opportunity, etc...They should be SMART in nature (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely) and should be written in this way.

Format: This assignment should be formated as a report, use size 12 font, double-spaced and should be about 2-4 pages in length. Always include a works cited page with links/URLs to any site you used while reasearching the company. Pease try to use AMA or MLA style (for your practice).

Your assignment content will be evaluated on multiple crieria including:

• Organization including the arrangement of ideas, coherence, inclusion of all assigned elements, and the quality of your analysis and recommendations.

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Marketing Management: Provide a strategic benefit advantage to the company
Reference No:- TGS01774848

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