
Provide a statement of the problem what question or problem

Topic/proposal of the project: Cost effectiveness in health technology assessment. ( define a question with the topic/proposal for the health project)

Word Limit: 1000 words.

Some Background Information on the Project Proposal

The aim of the project proposal is to demonstrate that you have carefully considered different facets of your final project. Your proposal describes your proposed plan of work. The areas for consideration include:


In this section you are to indicate what kind of a report will be provided at the completion of the project. For example you may be going to provide a research report. Research reports can be written in a number of ways and students are at liberty to choose any format provided it allows for the project to be properly documented.

For those who have not written such a report previously you may want to use a well established format known as IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion). Your project might be a systematic review of the literature on a particular topic of interest. Please note that the project you choose must relate to health services management if your are an HSM student. Therefore if you are undertaking a project of a clinical nature, you must be able to demonstrate how this relates to health services management in the proposal.

MPH students will negotiate their project with their Academic Supervisor relating to some aspect of public health that they wish to enquire. or it could be a meta-analysis to investigate your health project or a Evaluation of some aspect of health services planning or delivery in which case you would use an evaluative report format.


In this section, give an overview of the appropriate background literature that should lead you to your aims, objectives, and questions of your health project. In other words, by this stage you will have done SUBSTANTIAL reading so that you can examine the available evidence and determine the nature of the question/issue you wish to examine and has brought you to framing a project to explore it.


This section will come largely from the background described above. A general review of the evidence that suggests the project should be undertaken AND what the aims and objectives of the project are. The objectives should be quite measureable and will form a large part of assessing whether or not the project met them.


Provide a statement of the problem. What question or problem you will be investigating or solving. State the research question, any sub questions, or hypothesis.


Present your methodology and methods that you propose to use to investigate your research problem.


If this project involves the use of animals or experiments on human subjects, University ethical clearance must be obtained by the student.
Guidelines are available from the office of research and ethics:



Provide the details of the academic who has agreed to supervise you on the Project Proposal From and you will need to obtain the signature of the academic supervisor on the proposal form lodged in the SafeAssign Portal.

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Other Subject: Provide a statement of the problem what question or problem
Reference No:- TGS01117673

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