
Provide a staff member or student logs into the system a

Student Records System SRS-Requirements Definitions

Non-Functional Requirements

1. The SRS should be Internet-accessible using only an Internet connection and a web browser.

2. The system should enforce security rules as determined by the school on the security permissions and privileges afforded to both the school staff and the student population in accessing the system over the Internet.

Functional Requirements

1. Maintain Student Records

A staff member logs into the course.

A staff member enters the student ID for the student record he wishes to delete, or update. The student record displays on the screen. If the student is to be added, then the add student template will display on the screen.

The SRS should add or maintain this information for each student: First Name, Middle Initials, Last Name, StudentID, department (e.g. Grad Law, Undergrad IT), and Date of Birth, GPA (scale of 1.0 - 4.0)

These records can only be updated by the school staff who have the permissions to add/modify/delete any student record

2. Maintain Course Records

A staff member logs into the system.

A staff member enters the course ID for the course he wants to delete, or update. The course will then display on the screen. If the course is to be added, then the add course course templatewill display on the screen.

The SRS should add or maintain this information for each course: CourseID, Course Name, Credit Hours, Description, Prerequisite Course

These records can only be updated by the school staff who have the permissions to add/modify/delete any course record

3. Maintain Class Records

A staff member logs into the system.

A staff member enters the course ID for the class that he wants to either add, delete, or update. A list of all the classes for that course arethen displayed. If a class is to be maintained, then the staff member will either update or delete it.

If a class is to be added, then the type of class must be taken into consideration. There are two kinds of classes: online classes offered over the Internet which are accessible via a web browser and face-to-face classes that are offered on campus at the school.

The SRS system shouldadd or maintain this informationfor each class: CourseID, Class Begin Date, and Class End Date. In addition, online classes also should add or maintain this additional information: Class URL, Class Browser. Similarly, face-to-face classes should add or maintain this additional information about them: Class Building, Class Room.

These records can be maintained only by the school staff that has permission to add/modify/delete any class record (either online or face-to-face)

4. Register a Student for Classes

Both students and qualified school staff should be able to register a student for a class (either online or face-to-face) offering for a course. The registration process should proceed as follows:

a. A staff member or student logs into the system.
b. A list of available courses offered are displayed.
c. A course is selected from the list and all the offered classes for the course are displayed.
d. A selection from the class list is then madeto register for. The process to register a student for a selected class begins.
e. The selected class to registration for is then validated against these registration rules:

i. No duplicate registration for the same class
ii. Online classes registration requires students acknowledgement that they have the required hardware and software to access online classes
iii. No more than three class registration for open classes unless student GPA is greater than 3.0. Then the student can take four classes.
iv. The student has taken any required pre-requisite course.

f. When the registration is valid against the above rules, a registration record is created and a message is then displayed to confirm registration. Otherwise, a message explaining the violation of the associated rule is displayed.

g. If registration is successful, one is added to the number of students that have enrolled in the class.

h. After the student completes the class, his registration record is updated with a grade. But the student has the option of dropping the class while taking it.

Attachment:- SRS_Requriments.rar

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Software Engineering: Provide a staff member or student logs into the system a
Reference No:- TGS01520612

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