
Provide a sample step-wise instructional guide manual for

Assuming yourself as a novice to the Protégé Ontology Construction Environment, provide a sample step-wise instructional guide manual, for your latter usage and revision. Also elaborate how did you configure the Twinkle environment to execute your SPARQL queries.

Hint: - Carefully refer the steps and structure followed by the lecturer, during the lab session. Stop, question and clarify doubts as and when needed from the lecturer during the lab session. Create a sample sketch on the guide manual, during the lab session, where you would use it as the initial foundation in compiling your final instructional guide.

Submit your completed initial guide manual, in form of a single PDF file. Elaborate all the concepts, steps followed with supporting screen captures and valid explanations.

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Computer Engineering: Provide a sample step-wise instructional guide manual for
Reference No:- TGS02496784

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