
Provide a recommendation to the ceo on how to mitigate the



Scenario: You have been hired as a consultant by the CEO of a medium-sized business with a limited budget to help address concerns that he has about his organization's information security. The CEO would like you to submit a document that addresses his concerns. Post a 600 to 900 Microsoft Word document

* Choose the 2 information systems threats from the following list that you feel are the most important to address:

1) Espionage 3) Alien Software 5) Cyberwarfare 7) Theft of Equipment 9) Trespass

2) Sabotage 4) Software Attacks 6) Identity Theft 8)Information Extortion 10) Compromises to Intellectual Property

* Provide a recommendation to the CEO on how to mitigate the risk for each threat

- Each threat must have a specific recommendation on how to mitigate that threat (2 threats / 2 different recommendations)

- A recommendation cannot be written to address both threats

* List at least one reference at the end of the paper - and cite each one in the body of the paper where used

Format your paper using the "New APA Paper Template: 100-299"

Word document (located in the Class Home page under Academic Resources). Download the template, and use it to paper

* Do not use any other APA template for this assignment

* If this template is not used, points will be deducted from your grade

* If there are features missing from this template (i.e. page numbers, Level One Heading), points will be deducted from your grade

* If there are features added to this template (i.e. page headers), points will be deducted from your grade

Please Note:

* Do not exceed the maximum word count by more than one hundred words

* Do not submit this assignment as a PDF

* Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment

Information Security Memo Individual


Scenario: You have been hired as a consultant by the same CEO to communicate the new security recommendations outlined in your

Information Security Paper to all employees via a memo.

600 hundred word Microsoft Word memo

Content Information:

* An announcement of Threat #1 that you identified in your Information Security Paper

* An description of the recommendations that you made to address Threat #1

* An announcement of Threat #2 that you identified in your Information Security Paper

* An description of the recommendations that you made to address Threat #2

* A statement that additional security measures related to these recommendations will be announced in 30 days

Formatting Information:

* Create the memo using a Microsoft Word memo template

- Select File => New

- Type in "Memo" in the search box to find samples to download

- After selecting the memo of your choice, hit the "Create" button

- Save the template

* Insert a text Watermark labeled as "Confidential"

* Use a minimum of two different fonts in the body of the memo.

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Corporate Finance: Provide a recommendation to the ceo on how to mitigate the
Reference No:- TGS02443623

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