
Provide a rationale explaining the need for the study why

Cyberstalking paper idea

Please don not exceed the two page maximum for the narrative.

A title page and a references page with proper APA 6th Edition formatting is also required and is not included in the two page count. Also make sure to proof read the submission.

Please use these Levels of Heading (Section 3.03, page 62) suggested by the course authors. This is from the Idea Paper Course Assignment:

Consider using these headings to guide your idea paper:

Introduction: We don't use a heading for the intro --- we use the title of the paper as exampled on page 42. (should be 2-3 sentences). This provides the opening to your research and invites the reader into your study.

Domain: Description of the domain (2-3 clear, concise paragraphs). Provide a description or setting of the domain as it relates to the proposed problem. This serves as an orientation for the reader.

Research Problem: (3-4 sentences). Any reader should be able to read your statement and clearly understand the problem you are trying to solve or research question you are investigating.

Rationale: (1 paragraph). Provide a rationale explaining the need for the study. Why are you proposing this study? Evidence from the literature supports the rationale; therefore, it is common to see one or two citations included in this paragraph.

Relevance: (1 paragraph). State the relevance of the study and how it contributes to the field of study or body of knowledge for this topic.

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Management Information Sys: Provide a rationale explaining the need for the study why
Reference No:- TGS02649295

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