
Provide a quick summary of a few claims that strike you


Watch the Ted Talk YouTube video: "What can we learn from our dreams? | Dr. Dylan Selterman | TEDxUMD".

I. The Information-Processing Theory with respect to dreaming is often framed in terms of memory effects. However, in this TEDx Talk, you will find other kinds of claims with respect to information processing. Provide a quick summary of a few claims (specifically ones related to information-processing effects) that strike you as interesting.

II. So - your task is to write on something you think is relevant to the chapter content. You can tell me about the experience of being hypnotized and which theory of hypnosis best describes that experience. You can tell me about your experience with how meditation has affected you. You can tell me about all the ways that you have messed up your sleeping. The only thing I don't want is sensitive personal stuff - so, please, nothing about illegal drug use, medical disorders, sexual dream content etc.

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Other Subject: Provide a quick summary of a few claims that strike you
Reference No:- TGS03268467

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