
Provide a psychological relieve when blood clot is formed

Problem: Use of traditional healing method by making incision of the skin is believed to provide a psychological relieve when blood clot is formed on exposing blood to the air. A blood clot formed is believed as removal of disease from the body. However, the practice needs to be discouraged since there is risk of infection and septicemia which is being often reported in the hospitals. Choose the correct measures to be taken to discourage this practice: Want Professional Help?

a. Convince the people on false believe and educate them on risk of infection when cuts are made on the skin. b. Legalize the practice but educate the people on infection control management. c. Penalize the practioners with fine when he/she is found practicing. d. No intervention required since the practice dates back to our ancestors period.

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Other Subject: Provide a psychological relieve when blood clot is formed
Reference No:- TGS03446631

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