
Provide a profile brief of the entrepreneurs you have

Your assignment must

• compare entrepreneurs from two different industries and countries

• be your own original work (please speak with me if you have any doubts about what this means).

• have all relevant information on the cover (name, student number, module name and number, assignment
title, due date, word count).

• be not longer than 3500 words (within 10%) .

• have proper references using the Harvard system of referencing.

• be written in formal English - although there are no specific marks allocated for grammar, punctuation and spelling, overall impression is important and can affect marks awarded. Concise and cogent arguments are encouraged.

The assignment will be marked according to the following criteria and considerations:

• the degree of critical evaluation and analysis in the arguments made (descriptive submissions are likely to receive low marks).

• scope of reading and research demonstrated in the answer by appropriate referencing.

• the degree to which your arguments are underpinned by theory and research evidence.

• clarity and structure of the arguments (formal essay format with appropriate introduction and conclusions should be used).

• use of appropriate examples.

• overall presentation, including spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Distribution of the assignment:

• Presentation and Layout

• Study candidate background

• Discussion of rationality and justification of choice of candidate

• Discussion on the choice of model selected and analytical discussion on findings

• Reflective discussion on learning module outcomes

Your assignment requires you to identify 2 entrepreneurs of your choice, and

a. provide a profile brief of the entrepreneurs you have selected for comparison;

b. using concepts and models learn from module MGT6A3, explain why your choice of persons can be classed as entrepreneurs;

c. explain and discuss what is your choice of critique for comparison and why the two entrepreneurs are worthy of recognition; and,

d. critically reflect on the modules learning outcomes and explain how you have achieve them through the completion of the module's individual assignment.

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Business Management: Provide a profile brief of the entrepreneurs you have
Reference No:- TGS01132588

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