
Provide a probable diagnosis


JK is 35 years old and presents to your office with nausea, diarrhea, and RUQ abdominal pain for one week. He complains of an overall fatigue. He has no significant past medical history and you have seen him in your clinical setting in the past. A health history reveals he traveled to Central America about 5 weeks prior to his presentation in your office. He is not taking any medications at this time. He denies, alcohol, IV drug, or tobacco use. His temperature is 99.9 F and all other vital signs are WNL. Abnormal physical examination findings include: ill-appearing; yellow color to sclera and tongue; tenderness in RUQ; liver palpable just below the costal margin.

a) Provide a probable diagnosis.
b) Provide your plan for this condition; include patient teaching and related risks. Consider the pathophysiology of the disease.

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Other Subject: Provide a probable diagnosis
Reference No:- TGS03323620

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