Question: Written assignment requirements:
• At least 2 full pages long (text fills 80% or more of second page)
• 1 inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced
• Do not include the thought question prompts but please mark your answers with the corresponding numbers for each question (1, 2, 3, etc.)
• Avoid unnecessary space in your header or between paragraphs
Points will be deducted if assignments do not meet these requirements, so please be careful!
Written Assignment
1. Provide a personal example of being affected by the propinquity effect, or "mere exposure." What are the limits on proximity being associated with likeability? (If you start out mildly disliking or hating someone, do you like them more if you spend more time with them?)
2. Do you think that technological advances in our communications ability are changing the importance of proximity in attraction? How?
3. Can you think of a relationship you have observed that seemed to thrive on complementarity-did "opposites attract"? How satisfying did it seem and how long did it last?
4. In your own experience, do physically attractive people seem to differ in personality from physically unattractive people? Does the "attractiveness stereotype - what is beautiful is good" seem to have any validity? If so, under what conditions, and why?
5. OPTIONAL:Take the Adult Attachment Style Questionnaire at personality-testing website
Do you think your results are accurate? How do you think your own early relationships might have influenced your current relationships? Do you see any patterns in your relationships?
Book: Read Chapter 10, Social Psychology (9th ed.) by Aronson, Wilson, Akert, & Sommers.