
Provide a minimum the goal one or two learning objectives

Assignment one:

Each week you should report or summarize one news article or report, journal article, Internet resource, etc. that addresses some aspect of Teaching about Culture and Health. Ideally it will address the specific topic for that week. Environmental scanning is an information gathering technique that allows you to report relevant information from sources that you already view or utilize. Essentially, it allows each of us to contribute to teaching the class by sharing information that we have found. It is expected that students and the instructor will respond to other's postings. Try to provide a link the reference or at minimum a reference (using AMA style).

One page in sufficient for this assignment

(This week's topic is: role-plays, simulations and standardized patients as active teaching strategies to teach about social determinants of health, health disparities and culturally appropriate care.

Assignment two:

For this week's discussion question, choose one of the strategies (role-play, standardized patients or simulation) and describe how you would use them in a culturally appropriate care, health disparities or social determinants of health situation. Please provide at minimum the goal, one or two learning objectives, process/strategy and assessment.

(One page is sufficient)

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Dissertation: Provide a minimum the goal one or two learning objectives
Reference No:- TGS01683651

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