
Provide a list of all radio frequency sources


Edited contractor letter

Can you please correct the sentences. Please re-write the whole sentences and add few more lines.

Dear Contractor,

1.) Can you please provide a list of all Radio Frequency sources and their operating frequencies?

2.) Provide provide some information on the expected environmental variations the system may encounter? like temperature and humidity highs and lows, etc.

3.) Please provide the speed sensor signal characteristics at the speed limit. This would include voltage and / or frequency characteristics?

4.) Real Time implementation of proximity modules means?

This means, if the supplier has installed proximity modules in the previous mines and to show the previous installation history of proximity modules in other mines. Demonstrate work experience in related fields as identified in the Scope of work. Provide information sufficient to evidence that the proponent meets with minimum experience and past performance requirements.

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English: Provide a list of all radio frequency sources
Reference No:- TGS01925818

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