Neurotransmitters and its impact on depression
Discussion Topic 1 of 1 (Minimum 350 words & APA format References)
Psychology professionals work with many different types of clients and have many different choices for treatment. What direction would you take with this client?
Annette is a single female adult. She is 32 years old and reports that she is in good physical health. She has made an appointment with a psychologist because she has experienced a recent break-up in an 8-year intimate relationship. She reports the recent onset of having difficulty sleeping and concentrating at work. She admits to "having a drink at night to help her sleep." During the initial appointment, Annette discloses that she has a history of "feeling down" and further exploration yields information about her mother who was treated for depression by her family doctor when Annette was five.
1. Provide a Diagnosis using the DSM-5 for Annette.
2. Discuss the steps that you would take as a psychology professional in deciding if the following client should or should not be referred for a medication evaluation. Provide a rationale for your decision.
3. Explain the science of chemical neurotransmission and provide an analysis of the possible effects of each of the five (5) major neurotransmitters on Annette's mental state.
Schatzberg, MD, Alan F. & Nemeroff, MD, Charles B. (2013). Essentials of Clinical Psychopharmacology.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Publishing