
Provide a detailed recommendation toward solving the

Capstone Writing Project: "White Paper" Based on Group Field Research

The white paper, or proposal, is an important form of business report that is used in the workplace. In the course of your group field research and interview of a local business, each group member will identify some type of problem, issue, or "need" at your selected company that will form the basis for a "white paper" (i.e., position statement or formal recommendation). In this paper, you will recommend a specific action, plan, or product to the company that should improve their business operations in some way. Each member of the group will write a separate white paper on a separate issue. I must approve your topics. Your white paper should be addressed to a relevant manager with the firm, not to me as your instructor. Your recommendation must be supported with credible, published scholarly (and /or possibly trade) articles. To earn a passing grade, your white paper must include the following specific steps:

(1) Summary: (a) Identify the issue, problem, or need you have discovered at your business;
(b) Mention the solution your paper will propose;

(2) Problem and Background: Explain the problem, issue, or need, in detail, along with relevant background the reader may need to understand your proposal (The company won't invest in your recommendation unless you first convince them they have a need).

(3) Recommendation: Provide a detailed recommendation toward solving the problem - the heart of your white paper.

(4) Evidence (Research): Support your position and/or recommendations with relevant data and sources. Source material may include your own relevant experience and observation or that of others whom you can accurately and specifically cite, along with required published scholarly articles, (or possibly) trade publication and/ or newspaper articles, product specifications, accurately cited and documented. Consult the GMU library databases for sources (See student samples on Bb). Failure to include research evidence = grade of F.

(5) Graphic (Visual of Research, i.e. Written Evidence): Some kind of graphic element visually representing your evidence: A table, graph, or even an illustration (a picture of some type of equipment, a web page, etc., that you propose the company adopt) must be included in the evidence portion of your proposal, as appropriate to your subject. The graphic comes after the research evidence, and is a visual representation of that written evidence. You may make your own graphic or use one from online (e.g. annual reports);

(6) Evaluation: The paper must include a final section, "Evaluation," in which you explain how this proposal will benefit the company. Think of this as your last "sales pitch." Remember: your ability to convince the company to adopt your proposal will result in their financial investment in your idea.

(7) References: Any published research you include must be properly documented with citations in proper APA format and a References page at the end of your paper.

Your final draft should be approximately 3 - 4 pages, single-spaced, with spaces between paragraphs, and subheadings for each section in bold (see sample student white papers on Bb). A proposal paragraph is due to me by the date posted on Blackboard and in the syllabus; the first draft will be due at the writing workshop (peer critiques), and your final draft (plus online peer review and change memo) is due at the beginning of class on the date in the syllabus. Failure to attend the writing workshop will result in a grade penalty on the final draft.

Attachment:- White-Paper-Structure-and-Sample.rar

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