
Provide a detailed overview of procter and gambles marketing

Recommended Reading for both Papers.

• Kolter-Keller, Chapter17 Designing & Managing Integrated Marketing Communications

• Kolter-Keller, Chapter18 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events & Experiences and Public Relations

• Kolter-Keller, Chapter19 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Interactive Marketing, Word of Mouth and Personal Selling

• PDF link to Kolter_keller 14th edition :

• https://socioline.ru/files/5/283/kotler_keller_-_marketing_management_14th_edition.pdf

• Keller,K.L.(2001).Mastering the Marketing Communications Mix: Micro and Macro Perspectives on Integrated Marketing Communication Programs. Journal of Marketing Management, Sep2001, Vol. 17 (7/8), 819-84.

• Luo, Xueming and Donthu, Naveen; Marketing's Credibility: A Longitudinal Investigation of Marketing Communication Productivity and Shareholder Value; The Journal of Marketing. Oct., 2006, Vol. 70, Issue 4, p70-91.

• Wright, E., Khanfar, N.M., Harrington, C., & Kizer,L.E. (2010). The Lasting Effects Of Social Media Trends On Advertising.Journal of Business & Economics Research, Vol. 8 (11), 73-80

Grading Rubric for both papers

• Identifies all or most of the key issues presented by the case.

• Discussion of issues reflects strong critical thinking and analytical skill.

• Discussion/analysis makes all or most of the recommendations called for by the case issues.

• Recommendations are supported by data from all or most of the relevant case facts and exhibits data.

• Data are creatively manipulated and applied. Discussion and recommendations are presented clearly, logically, and succinctly with no or few grammatical or other errors.

• Discussion/analysis reflects strong understanding of principles presented in course readings/materials.

• Where relevant, discussion/analysis employs proper APA style. Length limitations and other form/format requirements (if any) are followed.

1.The Changing Communications Environment 2 pages

Emerging media technologies have vastly empowered customers to decide whether or how they want to receive commercial content. Consumers are no longer passive recipients of marketing communications and the real challenge for a marketer is how to regain the customers' attention through the clutter.

1 Web-based technologies can be combined with traditional media to build a successful marketing communication campaign. Cite two specific examples of companies/brands using this combination approach and discuss what made these campaigns successful. Did the two use similar techniques?

With the help of relevant examples, can you describe how modern technologies can be used to promote interactivity between the product and the customers? In this context discuss the use of social media to generate excitement around a brand. Can you cite any recently launched new products that have managed to achieve this?

2.Personal Application Paper, one and a half pages

Provide a detailed overview of Procter and Gamble's marketing communications program.

2 What media and messages are the most prominent? Why?

3 How would you change the program to make it more successful?

4 Would you change some elements of the messaging?

Would you shift dollars from one medium to another, or try to gain additional budget and add new media to the mix?

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Marketing Management: Provide a detailed overview of procter and gambles marketing
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