Provide a description of the company that you work for as

The company is Wal-Mart

1. Provide a description of the company that you work for. As part of your description include a discussion of the type of organizational structure.

2. Describe an agency problem within the firm and discuss what you think is causing the problem and how the problem might be better controlled.

3. Describe the job dimensions of the firm and discuss whether or not you believe the current design is appropriate for the firm. Discuss any suggestions you might have for improving the job design. Grouped by function or by product or geography or a matrix organization? Provide a diagram if helpful to illustrate. Is this organization effective?

4. Describe the compensation package for executives and employees within the firm. Discuss whether or not you believe that the compensation package is effective and any suggestions that you might have for improving the compensation package.

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Operation Management: Provide a description of the company that you work for as
Reference No:- TGS02473423

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