
Provide a definition of advocacy for hspps

Discussion Problem: Advocating for Others

As an HSPP, you will have many opportunities to speak for others who will need you to advocate on their behalf. Advocacy can take many forms. For this Discussion, you will consider what advocacy means to you, your own comfort level when it comes to advocating for others, and how you aspire to do it in the future.

  • Review the Learning Resources and Course Announcements.
  • Consider the following quote "Advocacy is 'identifying unmet needs and taking actions to change the circumstances that contribute to the problem or inequity'" (Trusty & Brown, 2005, as cited in Rogers et al., 2020, p. 45). Advocacy can be powerful for the one doing the advocating, and for the one benefitting from it. Want Assignment Help?

Post the following:

  • In your own words, provide a definition of advocacy for HSPPs.
  • Analyze the vital role of advocacy in affecting positive social change for helping HSPPs and survivors of crisis, trauma, and disaster events. Consider your own comfort level in terms of advocating on behalf of others.

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Other Subject: Provide a definition of advocacy for hspps
Reference No:- TGS03449218

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