
Provide a defination of porters five forces

An analysis of Company and Country

FORMAT of this Homework

1. Introduction
2. Company background
3. Country background
4. PESTEL Analysis
5. Porter's 5 forces
6. Strategic recommendations
7. Conclusion
8. Reference list


- 1 paragraph
- 4-5 lines
- Company
- Country
- Purpose of report
- Structure of report

Company Background

- 1 paragragh
- 4-5 lines
- Briefly describe what the company is about:
- Key products
- Operatives

Country Background

- 1 paragragh
- 4-5 lines
- Explain why you chose this country

PESTEL analysis

- Provide a definition of PESTEL Analysis ( Author, Year )
- Provide at least 3 reasons why a PESTEL Analysis is important.
- State that the PESTEL analysis of your chosen country is provided in a Table form ( will tell u in advance )
- From the above table, pick out ONE point from each factor (1xP , 1xE ,1xS, 1xT, 1xE, 1xL). Explain each of these point in detail. Explain how each of these point IMPACTS on your chosen COUNTRY.
- Overall, explain if the chosen country is attractive or unattractive for business.

Porter's 5 forces

- Provide a defination of Porter's 5 forces.
- Explain the importance of concluding a Porter's 5 forces Analysis.
- Explain that the conduct of the Porter's 5 forces Analysis of your chosen company.
- For each force, explain if it is high or low and provide at least 2 reasons to justify.


- Based on the Analysis conducted (PESTEL & Porter's ) provide at least 3 suggestion that the company shoud adopt.
-DO/DO NOT enter/expand in your chosen country
- Different types of strategies that can be used by your chosen company

General Information

1. Description of the company , the nature of its business and any other relevant facts. ( Recommended word length 200-300 )
2. Provide a PESTEL analysis of the country. Ensure you include all of the factors; describe the factor and how your country is affected by the factor ( 600-800)
3. Undertake a Porter's 5 forces analysis of the company's competitive environment. Ensure you include all five five forces, descibe the force and how the company's market environment is affected by the force. ( 600-800 )
4. List a minimum of 3 strategis recommendations you believe the company could enact to avoid problems you have unconvered from the Porter's and PESTEL analysis. ( 400 )
5. Provide a general conclusion of the current state of the company and its operating environment. (200)

Total words: 2000-2500

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Other Management: Provide a defination of porters five forces
Reference No:- TGS01782399

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