Provide a corresponding null and alternative hypothesis


Define, in your own words, what an independent and a dependent variable are, and how you can differentiate one from the other. Next, you will identify specific independent and dependent variables of interest within your topic of interest and why you selected these specific measures (reliability and validity might come into play here, so briefly define and describe these concepts and how they apply).

After clearly identifying and describing these variables, intentionally create a research question that needs some improvement (based on the five characteristics of good research questions that you read about this week in the PsycLearn module). To recap, these five characteristics include: a clearly defined relationship; variables of interest are described; the research can be conducted in a single study; the research question is falsifiable, and it is a worthwhile question. Once you provide a pooror weak research question, provide a stronger new and improved question, along with a brief analysis as to why this is a better research question to ask. Be sure to detail the five characteristics of a good research question in your response. Finally, conclude with a corresponding null and alternative hypothesis that directly aligns with your new and improved research question. Note that the null hypothesis should state that there is no effect, and the alternative hypothesis should state there is an effect in the direction that you expect.

Here is an example to help you to get a sense of what you want to do.

Research question (weak/poor): Is there is a connection between regular exercise and feeling good, as well as thinking clearly and enjoying life, and being happy?

Research question (stronger/improved): Is there is a strong positive correlation between getting regular exercise and self-reported measures of life satisfaction? (here, the relationship is more clearly defined).

Corresponding null hypothesis: There is no relationship between regular daily exercise of 30 minutes or more and self-reported measures of life satisfaction on the Life Satisfaction Ratings Scale (LSRS).

Corresponding alternative hypothesis: There is a significant positive correlation between regular daily exercise of 30 minutes or more and self-reported measures of life satisfaction on the Life Satisfaction Ratings Scale (LSRS).

Assemble these components in a Word file to prepare for your meeting. Here is a list to help you to remember to answer all parts of the questions this week. It is recommended you check off each item as you complete it for a thorough response.

a. Explain in your own words what an independent variable is, along with one that you want to explore more, and why it is important to do so.

b. Explain in your own words what a dependent variable is, along with one that you want to measure, and any concerns about reliability or validity.

c. Provide an intentionally weak research question using the identified independent and dependent variables.

d. Provide a new and improved version of this research question.

e. Describe the five characteristics of a good research question and how they are not all present in your original weak question but are present in your stronger new and improved version of your research question.

f. Provide a corresponding null and alternative hypothesis that aligns directly with your new and improved research question.

Format your assignment according to the give formatting requirements:

a. The answer must be double spaced, typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.

b. The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the course title, the student's name, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

c. Also include a reference page. The references and Citations should follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

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Other Subject: Provide a corresponding null and alternative hypothesis
Reference No:- TGS03129762

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