1. Revise your Persuasive Paper Part 1: A Problem Exists, using feedback from the professor and classmates.
2. Revise your Persuasive Paper Part 2: Solution to Problem and Advantages, using feedback from the professor and classmates.
3. Included a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph.
4. State, explain, and support the first disadvantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution and provide a logical answer. This should be one (1) paragraph.
5. State, explain, and support the second (and third if appropriate) disadvantage (economic, social, political, environmental, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution and provide a logical answer. This shouldbe one or two (1 or 2) paragraphs.
6. Include one or two (1-2) relevant visuals that help illustrate an advantage.
7. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
8. Provide a concluding paragraph to summarize the proposed solution, its advantages, possible disadvantages, and answers to the disadvantages. Repeator paraphrase your thesis statement.
9. Develop a coherently structured paper with Use effective transitional words, phrases, sentences, and an introduction, body, and conclusion.
10. Use one (1) or more rhetorical strategy (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain claims.
11. Support disadvantages and answers with at least two (2) additional quality relevant references. Use at least eight (8) total for Parts 1, 2, and 3.
12. Clarity, writing mechanics, and APA formatting requirements (including in-text citations and reference page)
Tax alcohol and tobacco
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Drug substance has been used rampantly especially in this current generation compared to the past (Zanky, 1989). Despite having health, social and unethical impacts to individuals and society at large, people are continually using them. This paper will be focussing specifically onto alcohol and tobacco. Alcohol is a drink that is in form of a liquid while tobacco is a substance that is consumed through sniffing. According to a research done by world health organization on drug and substance abuse, six million people die as a result of using tobacco while 2.5M people die from alcohol consumption.
However, people still consume it and the governments have not specifically made it illegal. Governments have come up with strategies to reduce alcohol and tobacco use especially among teenagers and low-income earners by increasing duty on them and consequently raise revenues. These revenues would be used to finance early childhood education on the dangerous effects of alcohol and tobacco use.
Effects of alcohol and tobacco
Alcohol and tobacco use have effects on the environment, health, society and the economy. Tobacco plants leave the soil's nutrients drained. Tobacco needs potassium more than other plants and therefore it deprives the soil of nutrients. Tobacco growers use quite large portions of land, for this reason, they have to cut down trees to plant tobacco plants. However, tobacco has an advantage since it releases nicotine which was initially used as a pesticide before the emergence of this chemical (Stohl Et Al, 2016).
The main socio-economic impacts caused by alcohol and tobacco are quite many. Once people take drugs may engage in irresponsible sexual behaviour which may lead to early pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. Adolescents affected by early pregnancies may have to dump the born children. Another social impact is that it causes diseases especially cancer including stomach, lung and throat cancers among many others. This also may lead to deaths resulting into suffering among families especially when the bread winners are affected. This issue has seen children take to the streets due to lack of parental care and guidance (Keller, 1972).
It also has a negative impact on the economy. This can be illustrated in many ways; a lot of money is spent on buying alcohol and tobacco instead of buying other useful products. Affected people are generally less productive and this may lead to poor quality services in government and private institutions. People are dying each day and the population goes down affecting the economy as well. According to Wanner (2000) Drug and tobacco use causes poverty since this person spends their money in buying alcohol and tobacco instead of buying basic goods like food, rent and clothing instead they live in poverty bringing the economy of these countries.
They both have a political impact. This is because the affected persons concentrate on drinking and fail to recognize the need for rule and regulations that are aimed at safeguarding lives. They fail to acknowledge their role and responsibilities towards the nation.
The moral impacts are also very rampant. When people abuse alcohol, tobacco and other drug abuse they are not in a position to make calculated thoughts and make poor decisions (Sande, 2016). There are many reported cases of rape, fights, and immoral sexual behaviour. This has implications including imprisonment, deaths and sexually transmitted diseases amongst many impacts.
Tax increase impacts on alcohol and tobacco usage
According to Pearson Et Al (2015), the U.S government, in particular, have tried to come up with measures to mitigate alcohol and tobacco usage. It has been proven that low-income earners are very responsive to price changes that are, the less the prices the higher the consumption rates while high prices bring a reduction in consumption. As a result, the U.S government came up with this strategy to increase the taxes which would increase the prices as well. This would improve peoples' health and extend their lifespan.
Low-income earners are found to be more responsive to product prices than the middle and high-income earners (Jernigan, 2015). Therefore, if the taxes were increased and consequently their prices the low-income earners would definitely reduce the amount of alcohol and tobacco they consume. These substances have been found to be addictive that no matter how much the addicts want to stop they are unable that they cannot save money to take them through life after requirement since they used the substantial part of their income on substance abuse. These increased tax will increase revenues will improve early childhood education benefiting people directly and indirectly
The number of people who are currently using or may start using alcohol and tobacco is rising each day. Therefore, there is a very vital need for the governments and society to come with long lasting solutions that will help save people from a lot of negative impacts that come along with substance usage. As seen in the above discussion it is evident that substance use is addictive and therefore once a person starts using it will have a very difficult time to stop. This means that it would be better to intervene before a person starts to abuse the substances rather than to stop it after it has started.
Bhatia (2016) Journal of studies on Alcohol and drugs 77(6), 994-994.
Rothman, K., &Keller, (1972) the effect of joint exposure to alcohol and tobacco on risk of cancer of mouth and pharynx. Journal of chronic diseases, 25(12) 711-716.
Zanky, J. P. (1989) Behavioural aspects of alcohol-tobacco interactions. Recent developments in alcoholism: an official publication of the American medical society on Alcoholism, research society on Alcoholism, and the national council on alcoholism, 8, 205-219.