
Provide a complete and detailed description of contributions


For this discussion, you will find a "giant" of scientific history and discuss his/her contribution to chemistry. Your initial post over the material outlined above, as well as your responses to your classmates, should be in your own words and of sufficient length to fully address the topic of conversation, including proper attribution of sources where applicable.

As you investigate, please be sure to collect the information below for discussion. Keep in mind this is NOT a copy/paste activity (penalty for plagiarism is severe!). You will likely have to consult several sources to find all this information in sufficient detail.

1. Include an image of your scientist. You can either embed the image directly into your post using the procedure I explained in the directions for your introductions post, or else provide a direct/embedded link to a picture of your scientist on the web.Do notattach a picture directly to your post as a separate file attachment or you will not receive credit.

2. Bibliographical information of your person including: date and location of birth, date and location of death, familial background, educational background, and major academic accomplishments. Summarize all of this in a clear, well-written paragraph.

3. A complete and detailed description of the contributions of your historical figure to the chemical sciences, including: important dates, discoveries, and outcomes. Summarize all of this in a clear, well-written paragraph.

4. The implications of your figure's contributions to mankind including: scientific impact, societal impact, and economic impact. How has the work of this person impacted your life? Be thoughtful and detailed here. Summarize all of this in a clear, well-written paragraph.

Be sure to check out the findings of your classmates, and have a conversation about the new things you learned. With everyone investigating different people, you will likely be surprised by the findings. Find something in the posts of your classmates that also relates to your own daily life.

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Microeconomics: Provide a complete and detailed description of contributions
Reference No:- TGS01819781

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