
Provide a career plan appropriate to the situation and

Provide a career plan appropriate to the situation and adult development status. Use the career development model and explain why you have chosen the suggested strategies. Please write in a summary format.

Neil was a Divisional Financial Director of a Fortune 100 company when corporate restructuring made his position redundant. His generous severance package included three months’ executive outplacement provided by a well-known organization. However, after the program had finished Neil seemed no further along. He had just one interview to show for all his efforts.

The meetings he had with the consultant – a former HR manager with an international chemicals company – were well meaning but not challenging or productive. The seminars he attended were uninspiring. Neil’s former company had $6,000 for the outplacement service but he had played no part in selected the service or consultant. Neil decided to hire his own career consultant.

The Issue:

• Neil wanted to choose who he would work with and how

• He was unsure what type of a plan and actions he needed to make sure he would receive the career development for him to search for a new career.

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Operation Management: Provide a career plan appropriate to the situation and
Reference No:- TGS02592111

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