
Provide a brief summary of your hbcp including why you




The Health Behavior Change Project (HBCP) in MBMH required you to choose a health behavior you wanted to change, to develop and implement a plan carrying out this change, and to reflect on what you learned. The description for the HBCP assignment additionally stated that your assessment in this project would be based on your demonstrated interest in learning from the experience of implementing your chosen behavior change, and not whether you actually achieved this behavior change.


Respond to the below questions using 850-­-1500 words (3.5 -­- 5 pages, double-­-spaced, size 12 Arial font). Submit your paper on both Blackboard and on Turn it in.

See below for further grading details.

1) Provide a brief summary of your HBCP including why you choose it/what you hoped to gain from implementing it.

2) What was your final outcome at the end? Were you were you able to achieve your intended behavior change? Why or why not? Did you make adjustments to your HBCP during implementation? (explain). What did you learn as the result of this? What would you do differently next time?

3) Think back to the Five Dimensions of Health and Wellness (you can find a PDF file of it under Introduction and Framing the Course on Blackboard). Which dimensions of health and wellness were impacted in implementing your HBCP? What did this look like? (elaborate for each dimension). Was any of this impact unexpected? Explain.

4) What did you learn about your ability to improve your level of wellness and create a healthier balance in your life? Include, but don't limit yourself to describing, your takeaways about how you might go about changing a different health-­-related behavior in the future. Provide specific examples of change(s) you might want to make. Which dimensions of health would be impacted?

5) Include your plan/record for determining your progress, along with the calendar you made or journal you kept. Was this an effective way of keeping you on track? Why or why not? (Note: This portion of the paper will not be included towards the required word count).

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Dissertation: Provide a brief summary of your hbcp including why you
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