
Provide a brief summary of the types of social media

For this assignment, you will be writing an informal business proposal memo.

Your company is interested in venturing into the world of social media as part of a growth strategy. Unfortunately, the decision makers have very limited experience or knowledge in this area. They are particularly interested in the following social media services, among others:

• Social media site 1- https://www.facebook.com/
• Social media site 2- https://www.linkedin.com/
• Social media site 3- https://twitter.com/
• Social media site 4- https://www.pinterest.com/
• Social media site 5- https://myaccount.google.com/

Your boss has asked you to investigate the types and uses of social media that might be appropriate in the workplace. In addition, you are also asked to compare and contrast the services and provide a recommendation that would be suitable to your company's goals. Specifically, your boss would like you to prepare an informal proposal in the business memo format.

At a minimum, your essay should address the following in the business memo format:

• Provide a brief summary of the types of social media options that are available.
• Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in the workplace.
• Compare and contrast at least 2 of the current social media options.
• Present and support your personal recommendation.
• Follow the informal proposal business memo protocol (Review Chapter 6: "Workplace Formats for Writing" and see Figure 6.9 below from page 126 for additional guidelines). Creativity in alignment with the 4 Cs of business writing is encouraged.

Figure 6.9 Informal versus Formal Proposals





Primarily internal but can be external

Primarily external, competitive


2-3 pages

8-10 pages


Introduce a longer proposal (like a cover letter for a resume) or raise an issue relevant to the immediate audience

Response to an RfP (request for proposal)


Includes necessary information:

  • Ability to meet the client's need
  • Rationale for selecting proposal
  • Description of the intended action and the anticipated results
  • Costs involved, including materials, personnel, and resources
  • Timeline

Contains more sections than an informal proposal:

  • Transmittal letter that provides context for the proposal
  • Preliminary pages, including title page, table of contents,

    and executive summary
  • Description of proposal, including process, cost factors,

    deliverables, timeline, personnel involved
  • Appendix, if warranted

Tone/writing style

Informal tone; simple language and sentence structure; use of visuals, bullet points, sub-headings, etc.

Formal tone; complete details presented in short paragraphs a concluding call to action, visuals, bullet points, subheadings, etc.


Facebook. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.facebook.com/
Google+. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://accounts.google.com/ServiceLogin?service=oz&passive=1209600&continue=https://plus.google.com/?gpsrc%3Dgplp0
LinkedIn. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/
Pinterest. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/
Twitter. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://twitter.com/

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Dissertation: Provide a brief summary of the types of social media
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