
Provide a brief overview of the quality improvement process

Please read the following article: Stevans, J. M., Bise, C. G., McGee, J. C., Miller, D. L., Rockar, P.,Jr, & Delitto, A. (2015). Evidence-based practice implementation: Case report of the evolution of a quality improvement program in a multicenter physical therapy organization. Physical Therapy, 95(4), 588-599.

Using the information you gleaned from the above article, please discuss the following issues:

1. Provide a brief overview of the quality improvement process. Be sure to give examples and to specifically discuss what quality improvement teams are.

2. The article you read indicated that there needs to be an agreement and understanding between employees and managers for successful quality programs. Discuss this aspect of the case study (e.g., did this occur, what understanding do you think each group had, etc.).

3. What steps did this facility take to implement the improvement process? What steps did they do correctly? Which ones did not work?

4. If you were the administrator of this facility, what would you have done differently to implement the process and why?

Page length: 3 pages maximum.

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Dissertation: Provide a brief overview of the quality improvement process
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