Provide a brief overview of country and the region country

PPT Assignment

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation using one of the three countries you selected in Topic 2 The Origin and Impact of Globalization Presentation assignment.

The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 10-15 slides, not including the title slide and reference slides. You are required to include speakers notes for each section. Images may be included in the presentation but be sure to keep all image sizes low for this presentation.
You must address the following questions within the presentation.

I. Select one of the three countries you used in Topic 2 as a basis for this assignment. Provide a brief overview of the country and the region the country is in, including the key characteristics and major socioeconomic problem in the country.

II. Identify a multinational corporation (MNC) that could expand a product line or service into the country that would be beneficial in providing a solution or some relief to the socioeconomic problem.

III. Propose an appropriate market entry mode of entry the MNC could use to enter the country (e.g., licensing, joint-venture, foreign direct investment, wholly owned subsidiary, etc.). What are the pros and cons of the proposed market entry mode?

IV. Identify a global strategy (e.g., global strategy, transnational strategy, regional strategy, home replication strategy, or multidomestic strategy) the MNC should use to achieve international competitive advantage. Explain your reasoning.

V. Describe how the MNC's global supply chain will be affected by expanding into the country. Include global sourcing, production, and logistics considerations.

VI. Based on the expansion into the country, would the MNC's organizational structure need to change (e.g., international division structure, global corporate form-product structure, geographic region structure, global functional structure, hybrid organizational structure, regional-product matrix structure)? Justify your response.

VII. Provide at least three key international business takeaways you learned from analyzing this country throughout the course.

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Business Management: Provide a brief overview of country and the region country
Reference No:- TGS03311351

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