
Provide a brief description of the type of business


Question 1

The Research Process

Read the following scenario:

A private airline company considered altering the interior layout of several of their planes to appeal to business leaders who frequently charter planes for meetings and business deals. The proposed plan would have reduced the number of seats and installed small tables to enable businesspeople to work during long flights. Prior to the renovation, management decided to conduct some research to ensure that these changes would suit the passengers' needs. They thought the following cost-effective action would help them with their final decision.

Over the first few weeks of the following quarter, passengers were asked to fill out questionnaires during their flight. The airline gave flight attendants incentives to collect as many questionnaires as possible. The questionnaires were several pages long, because management decided to use the opportunity to ask questions about issues other than the proposed interior design.

Using the steps of the research process, evaluate this marketing research. Pay attention to the choice of research method, research design, target audience chosen, sample size, time spent on questionnaire by respondents and frequency of research. Give reasons for your evaluation.

Write your evaluation in a 2-page Word document. Apply APA standards for writing style, spelling, and grammar.

Question 2

Interviewing a Market Researcher

One of the best ways to understand marketing research practices, the problems that are encountered, and how those problems are tackled, is to conduct your own first-hand research.

For this assignment, you will interview a marketing research professional who works for an advertising agency, a marketing research firm, a corporate marketing department or some other market research-dedicated business. In order to arrange the interview, you can contact a local marketing research professional or use online communication to reach a professional outside your local area.

Prior to conducting your interview, review the list of interview topics below and contribute your own additions to the list. These additions can be used as part of your interview or held in reserve for use should your interviewee be unable to comment on one or more of the topics suggested in this assignment.

Following the completion of your interview, write a two-page report based on the interview that addresses the following interview topics along with any other topics you included in your interview.

Interview topics:

1. A brief description of the type of business

2. General information regarding the researcher, such as duration of employment in this job, credentials and favorite part of the job

3. Research done for the company

4. Types of surveys the company conducts, i.e. telephone, in-person, Internet, etc.

5. Response rates and the problem of nonresponse

6. Method(s) used to handle or estimate nonresponse error

7. Presence or absence of researcher compensation for nonresponse

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Other Management: Provide a brief description of the type of business
Reference No:- TGS01787671

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