
Provide a brief description of the game

Question 1: Use one of Schell's "lenses" (p. 271-281) to analyze a game of your choice. This can be a game we've played in this class or a different game that you are interested in. Provide a brief description of the game (or part of the game) that you are analyzing, and the reason you chose that game. Then, answer each of the questions included in the "lens".

Question 2: Using the same game you chose for prompt 1, analyze one other key element of the game that we have discussed in the course (designed play, emergent play, interactivity, agency, interactive storytelling methods, etc.). Include a brief summary of the term or concept you are using to analyze, as well as the reason you chose to use it. Use specific terms, authors, readings, etc. in your analysis. For instance, when discussing interactivity, you might refer to Salen and Zimmerman's "levels of interactivity", or Crawford's notions of the separation of power.

Game of choice League of Legends or World Of WarCraft or Risk Of Rain 2

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Reference No:- TGS03304849

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