The textbook defines critical infrastructure as "the assets' systems and networks, whether physical or virtual, so vital that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, public health or safety."
For this week's writing assignment, please create a report that answers the following questions:
• Provide a brief description of 3-5 CIKR that exist within your community.
• Select one CIKR and identify the private and public partnership structure.
• What Sector-Specific Agency would be responsible for providing institutional knowledge / and specialized expertise for your CIKR?
• Conduct a risk assessment by identifying the threat (natural and manmade), vulnerabilities and consequence to your CIKR.
• What activities would you implement to help manage your risk?
• How would you evaluate the effectiveness of your activities?
• How would information be shared throughout the process?
Paper Submission Requirements:
• Your response should be 3-5 pages in length (double spaced).
• Paper must include a "reference page" not included in the 3-5-page minimum.
• Use APA format.
Resources for Assessment:
• Textbook Reading: Introduction to Homeland Security, Chapter 8
• National Infrastructure Protection Plan 2013 (NIPP)
• Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) - 7
This activity is matched to the following Learning Outcomes:Be able to identify and discuss specific CI/KR sectors, and the Government agencies responsible for their protection.Discuss and debate the strategic importance of each CI/KR, and the likelihood of loss of each due to natural disasters or terrorist acts.