Part 1)
Provide a 150 words explanation for each of the following communication theories:
1) Media Ecology Theory
2) Face Negotiation Theory
3) Communication Accommodation Theory
4) Muted Group Theory
Par 2)
Answer the following questions with a 150 words each.
Saving Face or Negotiating Face?
1) how do WE save face in front of others in authority positions when there are competing (or at least conflicting) cultures involved? Take a look at the elements of "face concern" and "face need" when providing your response.
2) Provide explanations and examples of assumptions dealing with Muted Group Theory
3) women are considered "muted" because of the idea that men developed the language the women attempt to use as a tool for communication with both men and women alike. Now, is there another group of society that can be considered "silenced" by others?
4) Provide some examples in a real life situation from either your personal or professional experience that exemplifies the face concern strategy, and how do we determine if we are going to save face for ourselves or for the other person?