Assignment: Software processes
Section 1: Software Development Methodology
• Choose a software development methodology to be used for this project based on the specific need of the project and the level of governance that is required.
• Provide 3-4 features of the model that crystallized your decision to use it. Be sure to explain these features as key features, with 2-3 sentences about each.
• Include a diagram and describe key parts. There should be a paragraph description of the model and how it flows.
• Detail 2-3 risks of using this methodology, and include mitigation strategies to minimize those risks.
Section 2: Standards
Scenario: You are trying to create a quality project. Although your team is pretty good, you should make sure they are aware of-and hone in on-a handful of activities that will make or break the project. This is where you use the standards to see where you can shore up your processes.
• Review CMMI (or ISO Practice) areas regarding requirements, development and testing. Possible areas to research include (but are not limited to):
o Requirements management (REQM)
o Technical Solution (TS)
o Verification (VER)
• Select 7 things that should be focused on for this project. These should be based on the project type and methodology used (try to spread them across those three areas).
• Of these 7, create a table that lists the 7 key activities that should happen to promote quality, and describe that activity.
• In the table, include 2 columns:
1. The activities to promote quality
2. A short description regarding the activity and how it will promote quality.