
Prove the problem exists-summarize the research from your

1. TEXT AND DRIVE- explain text and drive problem mainly in Australia (minimum 50 words)

2. Prove the problem exists-Summarize the research from your secondary sources proving that the issue exists and what you understand about the problem. (Minimum 200 words)

3. Define the demographic (I will do it on my own)

4. Research the reasons for texting: at least 3 reasons 50 words minimum each=150 words

5. What campaigns already exists-breakdown of what you think are the 3 best advertisements targeting people whom text while driving. Include pictures, what demographic the appeal to and analyze and explain its content. Must provide references (Minimum 150 words each advertisements analysed total 450 words)

6.Outline design production risks for advertisement-Research and outline design, copyright, health and safety, legal, contractual and ethical policies with regard to advertisements in your medium as well as the things you can and cannot do in marketing on behalf of the Australian Government. Discuss its relevance to your Advertisement idea. (minimum 500 words)

7. Is there evidence of previous campaigns that were axed: Is there evidence of previous campaigns that did not meet copyright, health and safety, legal, contractual and ethical issues with regard to the production of their advertisement/campaign. This may be from anywhere in the world. Discuss ts relevance to your advertisement.

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Basic Computer Science: Prove the problem exists-summarize the research from your
Reference No:- TGS01245909

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