
prove that a simple graph is connected if and

Prove that a simple graph is connected if and only if it has a spanning tree.   

Ans: First assume that a simple graph G has a spanning  tree T.  T consists of every node of G.  By the definition of a tree, there is a path among any two nodes of T.  As T is a subgraph of G, there is a path among each pair of nodes in G. Hence G is connected.   

Here now let G is connected. If G is a tree then nothing to prove. If G is not a tree, it must consist of a simple circuit. Let G has n nodes. We can choose (n - 1) arcs from G in such type of a way that they not form a circuit. It results into a subgraph comprising all nodes and only (n - 1) arcs. So by definition this subgraph is a spanning tree.

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Mathematics: prove that a simple graph is connected if and
Reference No:- TGS0275157

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