
Prove or disprove a thesis or hypothesis


The research paper should be a minimum of six typed pages and formatted in accordance with APA. Topics should be relavent to intermodal transportation.

Question 1:The nature of a research paper is to prove or disprove a thesis or hypothesis, not simply produce a report or provide information on topic. For example; a topic may be the impact of security on intermodal transportation. The associated thesis could be; actions taken to improve the security at ports has negatively impacted throughput, increasing costs and reducing the quality of operations. The research and body of the paper argues to prove the thesis statement.

An overview of American Transportation Policies.

The purpose of this research project is to investigate how American Transportation policies has been affected throughout the years, and how transportation policies have effected Americans economy.

You intend to answer the questions, if the polices have improved the overall economy, with the highway and mass transit policy of today?

You will be reviewing private and public solutions on the federal highway act of 1956, and the improvements made in this era.

In conclusion, by the end of this research, the paper will be able to reveal how American Transportation polices have improved the overall economy.

The research will finally identify the main causes, of the policies as they developed during the years.


Konings, R., Priemus, H., & Nijkamp, P. (2008). Transport Economics, Management and Policy series: The Future of Intermodal Freight Transport: Operations, Design and Policy. Cheltenham.

Lowe, David, Intermodal Freight Transport, 2005
Dilger, Robert. (2015), American Transportation Policy. Transportation Equality Act for the 21 st Century, 1998.

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Business Management: Prove or disprove a thesis or hypothesis
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