
protoplasmic theorythe living matter which forms

Protoplasmic Theory

The living matter which forms the bodies of all living being is a special type of highly organized jelly like viscous semi fluid, and named Sarcode by Dujardin(1835) Later, then  term protoplasm was used by purkinje  (1840)  for the living embryonic material of eggs and by Hugo von Mohl (1846) For the granular. Colloid, around the nucleus in a live cell. Protoplasm is so highly organized that it generates, Energy of Life i.e. it capable of converting   chemical energy of matter into Biological energy. The is why Max Schultze  (1861) called  it the physical Basis of life .All this led O. Hertwig (1892) to propound his protoplasmic theory in which stated that all living matter, of which animals and plants are formed, is protoplasm.   

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Biology: protoplasmic theorythe living matter which forms
Reference No:- TGS0161504

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