
proteinsprotein was discovered


  1. Protein was discovered by Mulder.
  2. Berzilius gave the catalytic concept & gave the word protein, which means first rank.
  3. Protein holds the 1st place in body.
  4. Proteins are consists of C > O > N > H > S
  5. Proteins are macromolecules (polymer of amino acids).
  6. Only 20 amino acids participates in the formation of proteins.
  7. Proteins are large-sized mixed polymers of L- amino acids joined by peptide linkage.
  8. The macromolecules are formed of C,H,O, N and in many cases S, Fe, Cu and P element may present.
  9. Quantity of protein is different in different parts - Cow's milk - 3.5%, Blood plasma - 7%, Egg white - 11.3%, Cereals - 12%, Egg yellow - 15-17%, Pulses - 20%, Muscles - 20%, Chick's flesh - 24%, Glicenmax - 60%, Chlorella - 85%
  10. Maximum complicated.
  11. Molecular weight is high, as - 3,500 in phosvitin, 5,800 in insulin, 35,000 in pepsin, 62,000 in Hb, 1,46,000 in IgG, 3,45,000 in collagen
  12. Cannot pass from permeable membrane.
  13. Form colloidal solution.
  14. Form buffer solution.
  15. Power of contraction present.
  16. It's structure is changed by affecting with external factor as temperature. It is known as denaturation.

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Biology: proteinsprotein was discovered
Reference No:- TGS0173268

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