
Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids insulinis a

1. If you have 10 coins, how many possible combinations ofheads and tails are there for all 10 coins? Hint: how manycombinations for 1 coin; two coins; three coins?

2. Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. Insulinis a relatively small protein with 53 amino acid residues. How manypossible proteins of length 53 can be made with 20 possible aminoacids for each position in the protein?

3. You may remember that in messenger RNA each group of 3nucleotide bases (A,U, G, C) is called a codon. How many possiblecodons (for instance AAA) are possible?

4. Suppose you have a deck of cards(52 different cards) How manypossible hands of four cards are there?

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Biology: Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids insulinis a
Reference No:- TGS0797735

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