Protection of copyright and related rights

Question 1: Describe the history and evolution of the copyright.

Question 2: What rights does copyright give? Describe with illustrations.

Question 3: What is copyright piracy and describe the extent of copyright in sound recording and computer software.

Question 4: What measures can be taken to fight the copyright piracy?

Question 5: What are the main functions of WIPO?

Question 6: Write a short note on the substance of the Internet Treaties.

Question 7: Describe the constitutional mandates which data protection laws should respect.

Question 8: Define Copyright with reference to Section 14 of the Copyright Act, 1957 and court decisions. As well give illustrations of the types of works which are covered by copyright.

Question 9: An abstract idea is not protected, however what is protected is the material form in which ideas are translated and expressed. Illustrate.

Question 10: What are the tests to find out copyright? Cite the case laws which lay down such tests.

Question 11: When is copyright said to be infringed and what are the exceptions to infringement of copyright?

Question 12: Differentiate CMOs in Traditional Mode from their Modern Version.

Question 13: Why do we need collective administration of copyright?

Question 14: Explain the powers of the Copyright Board and what are the duties of the Registrar?

Question 15: What is the significance for registration of copyright? Explain in detail the procedure for registration of copyright?

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Business Law and Ethics: Protection of copyright and related rights
Reference No:- TGS02407

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