
Protecting the business from cyber criminals and online

Obviously, there are many security risks that will probably be associated with many e-procurement systems. As outlined by Rowley (2002) in "E-business Principles and Practice" system security is one of the major challenges in e-procurement due to the fact that TCP/IP protocol that regulates all communications throughout the Internet was intended to be a wide open protocol. Appropriately, this leads to insecure data transmission from computer to computer. Consequently, security has been considered as one of the key issues in every e-procurement systems. Protecting the business from cyber criminals and online hackers especially whenever competitors might make an effort to attempt in order to use unethical strategies to acquire information and data can become difficult challenge. Could you mind to elaborate some of the security challenges on adopting e-procurement system for a company?

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Supply Chain Management: Protecting the business from cyber criminals and online
Reference No:- TGS0593584

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