
Protecting corporate executives of fraudulent acts

Please note that you are required to support your views by citing your sources in all assignments. Even if the question asks for your opinion, you are still expected to support your opinion with references to published works and other materials. APA Format is necessary for your assignments when citing references, and assistance on how to do so is available using the APA Citation Center.

Fraud is a crime that many criminal justice experts consider slippery in nature because of the obscure angles and forms it can take, and fraud is not identified until after the crime is committed. Identity theft is an example of how fraud can take the form of another person through the theft of information that makes the criminal obtain everything the person has in the form of assets, belongings, and money.

Please answer the following questions listed below. As you answer each question, you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic criminal justice articles or real life criminal justice findings that are not found in journals or other academic sources must becited in supporting your answers.Please use APA style for all cited sources including your reference page.

How would you protect corporate executives of fraudulent acts against them?What would be your plan of action?How would you implement your measures?

If you were requested by the chairman of the corporation to create a loss prevention education workshop for the corporate executives, how would you create it for implementation?What would be the mechanisms that you would use to evaluate that the lessons being learned in the workshop are working toward loss prevention?

Please use examples to accentuate your plans and theories through academic criminal justice subject matter or real life criminal justice examples that are not in academic journals.

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Humanities: Protecting corporate executives of fraudulent acts
Reference No:- TGS0677722

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