Whole books could be written on this topic but for the sake of brevity I will try to discuss the main points from my point of view.
First of all it needs to be understood that prostitution is only a symptom of a much deeper problem. Halting the practice of prostitution would be great but it will be ineffective if the underlying issues are not addressed. To illustrate this consider someone with an infection in their body that causes a fever.
The fever can be treated with some medicines but unless the infection itself is addressed the fever will return. Prostitution is only a symptom of the glorification of irresponsible sex in most societies today. Prostitution is a result of relying on personal feelings and desires to make decisions rather than basing decisions on an objective and absolute standard of morality. Therefore, unless the glorification of irresponsible sex, in the form of music, movies, lifestyles of the rich and famous, etc, is addressed, halting the practice of prostitution will be impossible.