
Pros and cons of genetic engineering


Bio 103: Introduction to Human Biology

Research Essay


Choose ONE of the topics below to discuss in your essay:

· The Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering

· Advances in Stem Cell research

· The relationship between cancer and our diet

· Diabetes: a disease on the rise

· The global threat of infectious disease

· Understanding Cholesterol


Length: 2000 word essay in 12 point Time New Roman Font, 1.5 line spacing. Don't forget your references!


1. Cover Page: Title of your essay, student names and ID numbers, word count, and submission date (this is not part of your word count). You can do this individually or as a group. Each group should have no more than 3 members.

2. Main Content: Made up of your a) Introduction: introduce your topic fully, b) Body: discuss your main points, and c) Conclusion: draw your conclusions and summarize your main findings.

3. References: Use standard APA referencing. (References are not part of your word count)

4- Grading: You will be scored as a group on:

· How well you accumulated the scientific evidence

· How well your article is written

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Biology: Pros and cons of genetic engineering
Reference No:- TGS03045055

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