Proposed report structure:
Title page: Report title, authors name and abstract
Executive summary: overview of subject matter, methods analysis, findings and recommendations
Table of contents: list of numbered sections in report and the page number
Introduction: terms of reference and outline of reports structure
Scale of report, scope of the report and general recommendations
Body of the report:
The body section expands and develops the material in a logical and coherent manner, reflecting the structure outlined in the Introduction. It contains a description of the findings and a discussion of them.
• Analysis: Description of the current situation and the analysis of all the information previously provided, discussion on the topic without introducing new data
• Detailed recommendation: a numbered list of recommendation as a possible solutions to the analyzed problems/ issues, these will be backed by justifications and evidence
• Recommendations and specification for the implementation: identifying and proposing the guidelines for the implementation of the project *(What were the most significant findings or factors involved in the topic/ problem?
• Did the findings support the theory?
• Have you found some disagreement with the theory?
Did you uncover any unexpected or new issues that need to be considered?)*
Conclusion: States the major inferences that can be drawn from the discussion and make recommendations
Reference: list of material used for research of report, following the APA guidelines.
Appendix: information that supports the analysis.