
Propose the design thinking process for converting the

Assignment: Fundamental of Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Instructions: 1. All assignments should be submitted by its due date as scheduled

2. After the deadline, a student with mitigating circumstances may submit his/her assignment subject to the convincing justification.

3. This policy regarded to the assignment submission is available in the Moodle together with the course outline as a part of the ECMIT continuous assessment policy.

4. To promote team work spirit.

5. Assignment submission should be through group composed of (2-4) students.

Submission Instructions: a. Need to be submitted through Turn-it-in

b. An APA style referencing need to be attached to show the references to the contents utilized for the assignment support

c. This is a group assignment

d. The assignment should follow a neat report style with a title page, contents, introduction, objectives, discussion and a closing paragraph as conclusion.

e. The assignment need to be typed properly.

f. The assignment needs to be typed and must have met all items in the assignment structure as provided in the Moodle.

The Assignment Topics: "Converting the Paper money into Digital Currency in UAE" What you should perform in the above assignment (Expected Answers)?

1. Propose the design thinking process for converting the paper money to digital currency

2. How to convert this idea into a viable opportunity?

3. Identify the impact and changes in entrepreneurial ecosystems in the implementation of digital currency

4. Identify the innovative clusters that develop the economies due to the digital currencies

5. Demonstrate the value for the new innovative opinion compared to the old one.

6. Illustrate how the new innovative idea could promote designed thinking for the stakeholders in the UAEs?

7. Illustrate how the new opinion could be commercialized in the UAEs?

The Assignment Objectives: Students will refer books, company websites and write answers to the above questions.

1. To promote students skills in the teamwork performance and practices the team culture.

2. To improve design thinking, innovation and its process.

3. To develop the design thinking and current development.

4. To extend the learning process toward innovative thinking.

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Marketing Management: Propose the design thinking process for converting the
Reference No:- TGS02703336

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