
Propose specific strategies a human resource professional

Determine the strategies human resources can utilize to create a team-oriented and engaged workforce that lowers turnover and raises creativity. For a review of the Capstone project and scenario, see the Module 8 folder.

At Ellard Williams, turnover is up, teamwork is splintered and productivity is down. There are continual and escalating frictions between employees and – in general – delays are becoming common when departments are working together on even the simplest tasks. The team-oriented approach to problem solving and goal attainment has morphed into a “me-first” attitude among employees, including those employees in management.

Develop a well-written paper that illustrate the following.

a. Propose specific strategies a human resource professional can enact to create a more team-oriented, collaborative culture in the organization

b. Propose specific tools or tests a human resource professional can utilize that will assess the health of the organization or highlight potential negative issues within an organization. By doing so, human resources can more proactively address a situation before its effects the team-oriented culture of the organization, which then affects organizational productivity.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

a. You must Be 3-4 pages in length

b. You must Include at least two different scholarly sources not utilized previously

c. You must use APA format

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HR Management: Propose specific strategies a human resource professional
Reference No:- TGS01763826

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