
Propose professional development opportunity

Assignment task: Reflection and Looking Forward

As I sit back and reflect on the past six weeks and what I have consumed as not only a professional but as a student and person, my outlook on addiction, treatment planning and intervention strategies have evolved.  The most comfortable aspect of the treatment planning process for me was the observation and monitoring of my service users.  Building a strong rapport based on the answers and feedback they provided me with from their past and present lives assisted me in accurately engaging in appropriate plans of action and assistance.  The easiest part for me was building strong inter-personal communicative relationships with Reggie, Alex and Christina.  They each brought such diversity and challenges to the table that I was able to create a trusting relationship built with raw honesty, awareness, and reality. 

The fears and apprehensions that overwhelmed me in this process is much like some may assume, and that is the fear of failure, the fear of the treatment plan I created not to work, or be the best fit.  The apprehensions that they do not succeed.  Unfortunately in this field we must not let our fears and apprehensions consume us, especially when working with addiction.  There is always the slight possibility that something may not work, someone could relapse, and could fail.  With this reality always being in the back of our minds we must have diverse strategies to implement and tools to incorporate when needed, and that doesn't make us failures. 

Two areas that I feel I could continue to develop is by continuing my education and training.   I feel that the world of addiction like many others is constantly evolving and in order to provide the best of me through a professional lens I must be educated and constantly upping my game!  In order to improve my comfort levels I must abide by the State of Ohio standards and keep my certifications, licensures, and education up to date in order to create better outcomes for my service users.

Respond to my colleague's post in one or more of the following ways:

  • Offer insight or advice on how they could address their fears and apprehensions about treatment planning.
  • Propose another professional development opportunity they could pursue to develop the knowledge areas, skills, and/or abilities they discussed.

Support your response post with evidence from scholarly sources and include in-text citations and references

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Reference No:- TGS03376929

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